Posted by : Unknown Monday, August 19, 2013

I promised you an entry about this documentary… So here it is!

Recently I watched a documentary called "Moon Machines", that is about how men built the necessary technology in order to travel to the moon. If we consider the Apollo mission was about de 60's, then we should analyze the technology that was used.

The Apollo Guidance Computer was the machine that provided guidance, navigation and control of a spaceship. All this functionality was made with a few MHz of processing and a few KB of memory. 

Let's think about this: What would have happened if in the 1960's they had had our technology? We could have been living in Mars, or we could travel across the universe at the speed of light. All of this sound great, but let's analyze our situation: We have some powerful devices in our hands (computers, smartphones, and etcetera). What are we using these devices for?  Apps?  Games? 

If the Apollo Guidance Computer had the capacity to guide and control a spaceship with less processing power and memory than a Nokia cell phone, why don’t we take the power we actually have in order to build something better? Maybe you are asking yourself “What is something better?” Well, we have endless possibilities, like improve the Apollo Guidance Computer, making it capable to locate the spaceship across the whole Universe (or a great part of it, since the Universe is infinite), or make some calculations to travel to an Earth-like planet. 

Finally, what I’m saying is that if we have such powerful machines, we should take advantage of this computing power… I don’t know, maybe someday we will be capable to find the limits of the Universe.

I hope you enjoyed reading this (or maybe you just said tl;dr… I don’t know). I do not know when I will write my next entry, but it might be soon :)

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